Monday, July 11, 2011

July 11 - Another View

I was sad to leave San Cristobal this morning, but I did get one more run through the city.  When we left our hotel for a run, a dog quickly started trotting by our side and stayed with us all the way through town, up the steep stairs to the cathedral,and all the way back to our hotel.  I’m glad I’m leaving a friend in one of my new favorite cities. 

Our group loaded the bus to learn about marimbas (music = one of my favorite things) and to see the views of the Canon del Sumidero (nature = another one of my favorite things).  
What did I observe today?
Our first stop today was a marimba workshop with the Nandyapa family.  We learned about the history of the marimba in Mexico, the detailed process of how it is made, and I  volunteered to play a part in a waltz.  The view of mountains and a river from the workshop space made me consider taking up the marimba professionally, but I think my skill level will require me to keep teaching.
We experienced the views of the Canon del Sumidero from below via boat and above via a lookout point.  As our boat made it’s way down the Canyon, we tilted our heads upward to see the tops of the towering rocks on either side of us.  I felt small as we moved down the canyon and the walls of rock seemed to keep growing higher around us.  We passed our share of herons, vultures, and a crocodile perched on the shore.  Scanning the stone, we spotted waterfalls trickling down, deep caves, and even a shrine to one of the Saints.  Unfortunately, clusters of plastic bottles are scattered throughout the Canyon, though there are many signs that talk about a clean canyon project.  An unexpected rain shower added an adventure feel to our ride.  
When our bus took us to the top of the canyon, I was pleasantly surprised to see an equally incredible view.  As we looked over the edge to the wall scaling down into the Canyon, we were reminded of the Chiapas who hurled themselves to death into the Canyon rather than being taken captive by the Spaniards in 1528.  
Canyon from below

Canyon from Above

Canyon from above