Thursday, June 30, 2011

June 29: Welcome to Paradise

This afternoon we arrived in Cancun.  Jaques, our trip coordinator, gave us one instruction for today: Enjoy Cancun and be aware that this is the only part of Mexico that many people see.  I decided to embrace the task.  
What did I observe?
I went directly to the beach.  Beautiful blue water - check. Margarita-check. Abundance of sunscreen and book in hand - check.  AND, there’s the silky sand.  It had the mysterious ability to stay cool around my feet, under the heat of the sun.  (No hopping from chair-to-water-back-to-chair required.) It is the type of sand meant for toe squishing. My new running buddy, Kate, and I went for a barefoot run on the beach.  It did feel a little bit like paradise. 
Christina, fellow teacher, and I walked around the streets of Cancun for a little while.  We saw  Coke, Pizza Hut, McDonald’s, Subway, Starbucks, Dominoes, KFC, and our favorite: Jumbo Mexican Outlet.  The recurring sign (in English): "Welcome to Paradise"  
I headed back to the beach outside of our hotel for a shrimp enchilada dinner.  
Clearly, Cancun is a beautiful place that is developed with American influences.  What else might Cancun look like?

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