Sunday, July 17, 2011

July 17: Strolling the Market

Today is our first official day off on our trip, and the day has passed at a leasurely pace.  The rain in Cuetzalan finally stopped this morning as we made our way out to the markets for which this town is known.

What have I noticed?

Like many farmers markets, this is a place for the senses.  The smells, the waves of people passing, and the voices offering prices blended together.  Rows of herbs and vegatables tempted me with their vibrant colors and crisp, fresh smells of mint, pepper, cilantro, and something I can't name.  I forced myself to walk past carts of more sweet bread and fried bananas.  Women walked past us with bouquets of the fresh flowers from the bundles sold on each corner.  I instinctively stepped back from the tied up turkey vultures, the carts of chickens, and the head of the pig hanging from a string.  My favorite moment happened as I was purchasing my first tortilla cloth.  I turned around to see a man inches from my face begin singing.  He grinned at my two friends and I and sang, ''Ellas mas bonitas del mundo.  Ellas mas inteligentes del mundo''. (Most beautiful girls of the world.  Most intelligent girls of the world.)  I couldn't stifle my giggles, and I couldn't resist giving him a few pesos. 

On to watch the Women's World Cup in a restaurant...

The Streets of Cuetzalan

Fresh fruit and veggies at the farmer's market

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